Gandhi’s journey in the entertainment industry began with his participation in the Gujarati play Aa Paar Ke Pele Paar. He showcased his talent in the Gujarati film Bey Yaar () and in stage productions such as Mere Piya Gaye Rangoon, Hu Chandrakant Bakshi, and Ame Badha Sathe To Duniya Laiye Mathe.
Tackett’s worst finish of the season was 40th at the Cheetah Championship in April, and he still averaged in that event. He earned $, this season to bring his career winnings to.
Mary Hall Surface is a playwright, director, and teaching artist. She is devoted to intergenerational audiences, multidisciplinary collaborations, and to transforming communities, museums and schools through the arts.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi[c] (2 October – 30 January ) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule. He inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
Blake Alphonso Higgs ( – ), better known as "Blind Blake", is considered the Father of Bahamian Music. Born in Matthew Town, Inagua, Higgs was blind from boyhood. Over his lifetime he wrote sixty goombay tunes and recorded four albums. He spent most of his career performing at the Royal Victoria Hotel in Nassau.
Olusegun Awolowo, the great grandson of the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, was called to the Bar last Tuesday, extending his family’s legal dynasty into the fourth generation.
September Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs—Memorial. Died – Patron Saints of Korea Canonized by Pope John Paul II on May 6, Catholicism gradually made its way into Korea over the centuries.
Krystyna Skarbek, GM, OBE, Croix de guerre (Warsaw, 1 May – 15 June , London) was a Polish Special Operations Executive (SOE) agent. She became celebrated especially for her daring exploits in intelligence and irregular-warfare missions in Nazi-occupied Poland and France.
A multi-talented performer, Vicki Lawrence is most famous for her performance in the Carol Burnett Show (). She is also known for her work in Mama’s Family, Laverne & Shirley, Password Plus, and Hollywood Squares.
TILDA REJWAN With the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu & the French President Francois HollandeSpecial evening at the official residence of the Prime Minister.
Importantly Desai was elected chief minister of Bombay after B.G. Kher retired as chief minister in It may be recalled that it was during this period that the movement started on a linguistic basis, especially in the states of South India.
Get movies, songs, photos, biography, filmography and latest news for Renganaath Ravee. Watch videos of Renganaath Ravee, browse photos of Renganaath Ravee -
Only a few independent researchers continued to look into the relationship between octonions and the strong force. And one of them was Cohl Furey, a graduate student at the University of Waterloo. Furey was convinced that the fundamental laws of nature were defined by octonions.
Gijubhai Badheka, a pioneer educationist of India who has written extensively on the matter, is the man behind bringing the Montessori education system to India. His ideas behind how a young child's mind develops in the pre-school or formative years are of immense relevance.
Though Judy Spera spent much of her life afraid of the supernatural, she’s determined to preserve her parents’ legacy, offering more insight into the real lives of Ed and Lorraine Warren. Inside Judy Warren’s Unusual Early Life. Judy Spera was born to Ed and Lorraine Warren on January 11, in Connecticut. Not long after that, in