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Jearlean John to PNM members: Who is your leader?

Akash Sama­roo

Se­nior Re­porter 


A back-and-forth over the fu­ture lead­er­ship of the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) found its way to the Up­per House yes­ter­day, with the Op­po­si­tion call­ing on the Gov­ern­ment to ex­plain its suc­ces­sion plan­ning to the pub­lic.

Jearlean john biography actor dies Ms. Jearlean John served as a Minister of Government during the 5th and 6th Republican Parliaments, holding several Ministerial portfolios. She was appointed a Senator at the start of the 12th Republican Parliament.

It be­gan when Gov­ern­ment Sen­a­tor Ran­dall Mitchell re­spond­ed to Op­po­si­tion Sen­a­tor Wade Mark’s as­ser­tion on Mon­day af­ter­noon that there is bac­cha­nal in the Bal­isi­er and that a “house di­vid­ed” can­not stand.

Mitchell told the Op­po­si­tion to mind their busi­ness.

“Cock­roach have no place in fowl busi­ness,” Mitchell de­clared to tu­mul­tuous sup­port from his Gov­ern­ment col­leagues.

Mitchell said it was iron­ic that Mark would speak about di­vi­sion when in the Low­er House, the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) has five MPs who have been ex­iled from the par­ty.

How­ev­er, Sen­a­tor Jear­lean John re­mind­ed Mitchell that the PNM’s busi­ness is the peo­ple’s busi­ness. “This is not any cock­roach in fowl busi­ness or fowl in cock­roach busi­ness, you know; this is our busi­ness be­cause the peo­ple who are talk­ing are mem­bers of the PNM, who are mem­bers of the Gov­ern­ment, so this is our busi­ness,” she ar­gued.

John said she was mere­ly echo­ing ques­tions that the PNM’s own gen­er­al sec­re­tary has for his po­lit­i­cal leader.

“So I have to ask this morn­ing, who is your leader?

We know who is our leader. You can say what you want about her, but we know,” John said as the Op­po­si­tion sen­a­tors thumped their desks in ap­proval.

“The last time I checked, T&T is a democ­ra­cy, and you can’t hand over the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter as if you are the queen.”

John said when the UNC had its in­ter­nal elec­tions con­tro­ver­sy, PNM mem­bers jeered at them, which forced some to com­mit what she de­scribed as “po­lit­i­cal sui­cide.”

She al­so said it was in­ter­est­ing that a par­ty known for be­ing tight-lipped on its in­ter­nal af­fairs is now break­ing that tra­di­tion.

John strong­ly be­lieves it has to do with a re­sis­tance to Stu­art Young, whom she de­scribed as be­long­ing to the “elite” class.

“I think they are say­ing in the pa­pers that they are try­ing to keep out a cer­tain per­son.

Jearlean john biography actor married Fifty-eight-year-old Jearlean John is no ordinary woman. She is known as a powerhouse in the corporate office and as a United National Congress (UNC) deputy leader she is a woman.

There’s a lev­el of dis­so­nance and anger be­cause peo­ple are re­sis­tant to this ready-made suc­ces­sor. Ready-made!

“The PNM is be­hav­ing like this is a two-piece and fries,” she said to the Op­po­si­tion’s amuse­ment.

“All the time they had noth­ing to say, but to­day every one of them talk­ing out, they are climb­ing over each oth­er, fight­ing each oth­er to get in­to the me­dia to put their busi­ness out in the road,” she added.

But in his maid­en con­tri­bu­tion to a Sen­ate de­bate, new­ly mint­ed Gov­ern­ment Sen­a­tor An­cil Den­nis proud­ly de­clared there is no con­fu­sion over who is in charge of the PNM.

“We know clear­ly who is our leader, who is our Prime Min­is­ter, Dr Kei­th Christo­pher Row­ley!

More im­por­tant­ly, you have to know the at­trib­ut­es of your leader. Our leader is a man of in­tegri­ty, char­ac­ter, and an im­pec­ca­ble track record in the pol­i­tics of Trinidad and To­ba­go.

Jearlean john biography actor BIO: Jearlean John has a track record of entrepreneurial and management excellence for over twenty-five (25) years. She has served as the Managing Director of HDC, Chairman of UDECOTT, CEO of the Pizza Boys Group, Minister of Transport, Tourism and Tobago Affairs, Director of VMSTT (VMCOTT), CEO of PTSC and the Business Development Manager of.

A man who has demon­strat­ed courage and, of course, a man who has been sober at all times,” Den­nis said.

Den­nis sought to as­sure the pub­lic that there is no bac­cha­nal in the PNM or the Gov­ern­ment.

On Mon­day, the Prime Min­is­ter ap­point­ed Young to act as Prime Min­is­ter for the third time, even af­ter Young was ad­mon­ished by the House Speak­er for his con­duct in the Low­er House and was forced to apol­o­gise.

Sev­er­al names are spec­u­lat­ed to be po­ten­tial suc­ces­sors to Dr Kei­th Row­ley, in­clud­ing Young, Fos­ter Cum­mings, Amery Browne and Pen­ne­lope Beck­les.

There are ru­mours that there is in­ter­nal dis­cord over what some see as Dr Row­ley’s at­tempt to po­si­tion Young as the on­ly con­tender for that po­si­tion. Elec­tions for the po­lit­i­cal leader post are due in