Jacqueline morgenstern biography married



In November 20 Jewish children, ten boys and ten girls, had been brought from Auschwitz to the concentration camp of Neuengamme, just outside Hamburg.

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  • Jacqueline morgenstern biography married
  • The youngsters, aged between 5 and 12 years old, came from all over Europe. Plucked from their homes the children had witnessed the murder of parents, siblings, and relatives. They faced starvation, illness, brutal labor and other indignities until they were consigned to the gas chambers of Auschwitz.

    Now they were to be human guinea-pigs in a series of medical experiments conducted by the SS doctor Kurt Heissmeyer.

    Dr. Heissmeyer removed the children's lymph glands for analysis, and he injected living tuberculosis bacteria in their veins and directly into their lungs to determine if they had any natural immunities to were carefully observed, examined and photographed as the disease progressed. The condition of all the children deteriorated very rapidly and they became extremely ill. 

    On April 20th, , the day on which Adolf Hitler was celebrating his fifty-sixth birthday and just a few days before the war ended, Heissmeyer and SS-Obersturmführer Arnold Strippel decided to kill the children in an effort to hide evidence of the experiments from the approaching Allied forces.


    Bullenhuser Damm School


    To conceal all traces the SS transported the children to the former Bullenhuser Damm School, which had been used as a satellite camp since October They were immediately taken to the basement and ordered to undress.

    An SS officer later reported: "They sat down on the benches all around and were cheerful and happy that they had been for once allowed out of Neuengamme.

    The children were completely unsuspecting." 

    The children were told that they had to be vaccinated against typhoid fever before their return journey. Then they were injected with morphine.

    Jacqueline morgenstern biography Jacqueline Morgenstern Born - Czernowitz, Rumania. Jacqueline was the daughter of Suzanne and Karl Morganstern. She moved to Paris with her parents as a tiny child to escape the oppressive antisemitism of Rumania. Jacqueline's father and uncle owned a beauty shop in the center of the city.

    They were hanged from hooks on the wall, but the SS men found it difficult to kill the mutilated children. The first child to be strung up was so light - due to disease and malnutrition - that the rope wouldn’t strangle him. SS untersturmführer Frahm had to use all of his own weight to tighten the noose. Then he hanged the others, two at a time, from different hooks.

    'Just like pictures on the wall', he would recall later. He added that none of the children had cried.

    At five o' clock in the morning on April 21th, , the Nazis had finished with their work and drank hard-earned coffee

    Jacqueline, 12


    One of the children was Jacqueline Morgenstern, born to Suzanne and Karl Morgenstern in in Paris, France.

    Jacqueline morgenstern biography death

    Jacqueline Morgenstern Born - Czernowitz, Rumania. Jacqueline was the daughter of Suzanne and Karl Morganstern. She moved to Paris with her parents as a tiny child to escape the oppressive antisemitism of Rumania. Jacqueline's father and uncle owned a beauty shop in the center of the city.

    Here Jacqueline led a happy life, she attended school and her father and uncle owned a beauty shop in central Paris.

    The family's feelings of security collapsed, however, when in , Germany invaded France and the brutality of the Nazis accelerated with murder, violence and terror. In Jacqueline and her parents were sent to Auschwitz.

    Jacqueline and her mother went to the women's work camp, where food rations were meager. Suzanne gave Jacqueline most of her food, so she became malnourished and ill. When the Nazis found her no longer useful for forced labor, they sent her to the gas chambers.


    After her mother's death, Jacqueline was sent to a special children's barrack where the children were being held for later bogus medical experiments.

    The majority of the children spoke only Polish but one of the boys, Georges Andre Kohn, spoke French, too, and they became close friends.


    Georges Andre Kohn was 12 years old and the youngest son of Armand Kohn, a rich Jewish businessman in Paris. In Georges, his grandmother (75), mother, father, his older sisters, Rose-Marie and Antoinette, and his eighteen year-old brother, Philippe, were crowded into cattle cars with hundreds of Jews to be deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp. 


    Three days after the train began moving, Rose-Marie and Philippe broke the bars of the car's small window, jumped out and miraculously survived the Holocaust.

    Jacqueline morgenstern life Jacqueline Morgenstern Jacqueline Morgenstern was born on in Paris. Her father Charles Morgenstern and his brother Leopold ran a hairdressing business. Her mother, Suzanne Morgenstern, was a secretary. After the German armed forces had occupied Paris, the Morgenstern brothers were forced to give up their business to a non-Jew. In.

    When the train arrived at Buchenwald, the family was separated. When the war was over, only Armand Kohn and the two escaped had survived.


    And on April 20th, , when the British were less than three miles from the camp, all the children of Bullenhuser Damm were murdered

    After the war, the SS doctor Kurt Heissmeyer returned to his home in Magdeburg, postwar East Germany, to resume medical practice, highly regarded as a lung and tuberculosis specialist.

    The much-admired physician was eventually tried and sentenced to life imprisonment in Arnold Strippel, the SS-Obersturmführer commanding these killings as well as many others, lived for years well in West Germany in a villa situated on the outskirts of Frankfurt despite all efforts made by relatives of the children to take him to trial.

    Opened in , this memorial is located in the cellar of the former school.

    The room where the children were murdered has been kept in its original state. In an adjoining room there is an exhibition on the fate of the victims. The documentation also provides insight into the various individual and inofficial attempts made during the s and s to shed light on the crime, and describes the deliberate delay of criminal proceedings against Arnold Strippel, the SS officer in charge of the murder unit.

    The Bullenhuser Damm Memorial 

    The association 'Kinder vom Bullenhuser Damm e.V.' has planted a rose garden behind the school.

    Jacqueline morgenstern biography wikipedia Jacqueline Morgenstern. Jacqueline Morgenstern was born on in Paris. Her father Charles Morgenstern and his brother Leopold ran a hairdressing business. Her mother, Suzanne Morgenstern, was a secretary. After the German armed forces had occupied Paris, the Morgenstern brothers were forced to give up their business to a non-Jew.

    Anyone who wishes may plant a rose there as a tribute to the dead. The rose garden is open at all times.

    Not one of the children of Bullenhuser Damm was older than twelve. Stripped of their childhoods, they lived and died during the dark years of the Holocaust and were victims of the Nazi regime. Had they survived another two weeks, they would have been liberated by the Allied forces ..



    Alexander Hornemann, 8, the Netherlands
    Eduard Hornemann, 12, the Netherlands
    Marek Steinbaum, 10, Poland
    Marek James, 6, Poland

    Junglieb, 12, Yugoslavia
    Roman Witonski, 7, Poland
    Roman Zeller, 12, Poland
    Sergio de Simone, 7, Italy
    Georges Andre Kohn, 12, France
    Eduard Reichenbaum, 10, Poland
    Jacqueline Morgenstern, 12, France
    Surcis Goldinger, 11, Poland
    Lelka Birnbaum, 12, Poland
    Eleonora Witonska, 5, Poland
    Ruchla Zylberberg, 10, Poland
    man, 8, Poland
    Lea Klygerman, 8, Poland
    Rywka Herszberg, 7, Poland
    Blumel Mekler, 11, Poland
    Mania Altman, 5, Poland


    Adolf Hitler's SS Men
    Hitler surrounded himself with a small clique of fanatical, ruthless henchmen - a violent group of outsiders who rose to power in the Third Reich and established political and economic institutions of legitimized terror.

    These masterminds of death were found to be quite psychologically normal.

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  • Children of Bullenhuser Damm - Auschwitz
  • Bullenhuser Damm - Wikipedia
  • They were men of fine standing, husbands who morning and night kissed their wives, fathers who tucked their children into bed.

    But murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhuman acts were an everyday occurrence.

    The European Jews were the primary victims of the Nazis. In nine million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe that would be occupied by Germany during the war.

    By two out of every three European Jews had been killed.

    But Jews were not the only group singled out for persecution by Hitler's Nazi regime. One-half million Gypsies, , mentally or physically disabled persons, and more than three million Soviet prisoners-of-war also fell victim to Nazi genocide. Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Social Democrats, Communists, partisans, trade unionists, and Polish intelligentsia were also victims of the hate and aggression carried out by the Nazis.






    Janusz-Korczak-School Memorial

    Swastika Over Paris by Jeremy Josephs

    Memorials to the Victims of National Socialism

    Humanities Programme, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine

    Concentration Camp Memorial Neuengamme -

    Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum Of Tolerance -