Bates graffiti biography of christopher brown
Welcome to “Get to Know” where we interview both established and emerging Artists from across the globe and take a moment to go deeper and learn about their thoughts, processes, experience and creative approach.
Today we feature Bates
Bates, thank you for jumping on. Where are you now?
Just came back from New York
Where do you call home?
Copenhagen Denmark/Sweden
How do you like to describe your work?
I like when my work bend, kick and dance
How did your journey as a creative start?
Prob when i was a child, i was always into drawings
How do you choose your subjects?
Depends on the task, sometimes it feels like a job, other times im just inspired
How would you describe your studio?
Its a man cave
What is your daily routine when working?
Treat it as a job, go there and put in the hours!
Little by little it becomes something! Disipline is important
What is your process when creating?
Roughly have an idea, attack the surface and believe in your skills, you will pull out something great in the end
What are your tools of choice?
Spraypaint (Ironlak, Sugar) as much as possible, acrylics,rollerpaint, markers and brush work
Where do you draw inspiration from?
Internet is a good source for inspiration, comic book, timeless designs, colour combinations
What do you enjoy most about your life at the moment?
Being able to express myself and be creative
Is there anything that you wish was different?
Have unlimited tools
Is there anything you wish you knew before you got started on your path as an Artist?
I started earlier
What do you believe is a key element in creating a great work?
Start with an idea first, you cant freestyle, it never turns out good
How has you style changed or developed over time?
Style is the same, just medium is more versitile these days
How do you go from transforming an idea into a piece?
Come up with a background first, placement of your images or style after
How do you approach a big project?
With good planning, photograph the subject
What has been one of your favourite projects/pieces so far?
Lately my journey into the art world feels exiting and new
Are there any common themes in your work?
Things i would do in the streets, i try incorperate into my canvas work
Do you ever experience creative blocks and how do you work through?
It happens, just work through it
What do you think you’d be doing now if you had decided to take a different career path?
Professional soccer player
Was there a pivotal moment when you decided to follow your path as an artist?
My mom said, i really believe people would enjoy your work on canvas, i owe her to try, its been working out so far
What did it take to become a full time artist?
Forced into taking a new path, working in stores for over 14 years never went anywhere, just for the paycheck
What are some of the challenges you have faced as an artist?
Learning how the artworld operates, but its like starting all over again
Have you ever had a moment when you questioned your career as an artist?
What are some of the things you like to get up to when you’re not creating?
What are your thoughts on social media?
Its my window out to the world, i try control my own content
Do you have any essential tech/apps/devices that you use day to day?
Instagram, twitter
Where are some of your favourite places you have visited and what do you like about them?
New York, its important to go there, and understand why this culture started, it gave me so much, i hope i can give something, if i can only inspire one persons, its all worth it!
Who are some of your favourite artists?
bakshi, disney, kubrick, dr dre, the writers i painted with in the past
What are your plans for the future?
Keep painting, i like to paint in the streets, would love to do a big mural.
Thinking about doing a book….
What advice would you give to a young artist following in your steps?
Learn the nyc history of graff, study the masters and get a mentor or paint with someone who is better than you….
Is there anyone you’d like to give a shout out to?
To those who know me!
Peace and respect!
Where can people find you online?
Instagram: greatbates